There is a standard handling and processing time of 2 business days, delivery times varies depending on the state you're in, below is a rough estimate of expected delivery times.
VIC: 2-3 working days
NSW: 3-4 working days
SA: 3-4 working days
QLD: 5-6 working days
WA/NT: 7-10 working days
NOTE: The above delivery times are based on a normal working week and does not include public holidays, also based on Metropolitan area's.
Once an order has been dispatched from our warehouse, you will receive an email confirmation along with tracking details.
Some freight companies we use are Border Express, Cope, Direct Freight Express, GBI Logistics, Startrack and VicTas Freight Express.
Freight companies may or may not call before delivery and some times would leave a delivery notice at your door or in your mailbox if no one is available to receive delivery.
Also in some cases delivery companies would leave your order in a safe place.
If it's a building site, please be advised courier companies will only deliver the order if they have access into the premises, if they don't have access they will not deliver, also someone has to be there to receive the order.
It is the buyers responsibility to track, follow up and liaise with the freight company in order to arrange a time for delivery.
Orders will be returned back to our warehouse if deliveries are unsuccessful by the courier company for which they would have made a few attempts and a re-delivery fee will be charged to the customer to deliver their order again.